Sometimes you hear people say, “The church is always asking for money.”  That statement is untrue.  It is the world that is always asking for money, not the church!

When did you last go to the grocery store and the checker failed to ask for money?  If you are like most people, each month brings a new collection of bills.  Are any from the Church?  Who withholds a percentage of every dollar you earn?  Your “Uncle” (Sam) does that.  Your Heavenly Father does not!

There is no free lunch! . . . except at church!  You can attend and worship there every week … there is no admission charge (try getting into the movie theater for free!).  If you are sick, the pastor will visit you in the hospital.  Where else can you get free Biblical counseling when you need it?  Or pre-marital counseling?  Two hundred people receive the email newsletter each month.  No one receives a subscription notice “asking for money” as with other publications.

What do you do when your loved ones die?  What will it cost?  The funeral home will certainly charge for its services.  The church does not!

You have to pay taxes to provide your children with “free” public education, but your church operates a Sunday School and Confirmation classes (and adult classes, too!) which will give quality Christian education with absolutely no cost or obligation.  The church requires no membership fee, no annual dues.  It never sends its members a bill.  Is there any organization in the world that functions that way?  You see, the truth is, the Church asks for money LESS than anything else you can think of.

Consider this paradox:  compared to the government and bill collectors, the Church almost NEVER asks for money.  Yet, of all the things money could be used for, very few are more important than what the church provides: the Good News of God’s love, mercy, grace and forgiveness in Christ our Lord!

The Christian Church is here to share the love of Jesus Christ Himself!  Our money goes to serve Him!  We will continue to provide ministry in Jesus’ name to everyone, whether they have been blessed to share their resources or not!  Isn’t that something you would like to be a part of – and support with your prayers, your time and talents, and yes – your dollars?!

Pastor Hank