The View from the Pulpit:

Dear Fellow Members of Christ’s Family,

Very often we ask the question: “What did you get out of church (worship, Bible Class, Sunday School, fellowship, etc.) today?”  I would like to turn that question around and ask:

“What Did You Bring to Church with You?”

I often wonder what it is that the members of Resurrection bring to church with them on Sundays.  Sometimes it is evident by the look of your faces and the way that you move.  Some faces come smiling and joy-filled.  Others are downcast or stressed or tight-lipped.  Some have business to do, and stay here all morning.  Some of you slip in for worship and slip out quickly afterwards.

God’s House is a place of worship and study.  It is a place of sanctuary and refuge.  It is a place where God’s truth can be convicting of our sins, but God’s love is always overflowing with forgiveness.  God’s Word is open here, ready for application to our lives.  God’s people are open here, too, ready to support us in our various ministries.  All these things are good reasons to be here each and every week.

There are ways, however, to come better prepared.  Here are a few:

  1. PREPARE yourself with PRAYER on Sunday morning, that God would give you what HE WANTS you to receive, along with His free forgiveness, grace and mercy.
  2. PRAY for the preaching of the Word of God, and for your UNDERSTANDING of it.
  3. PRAY for everyone who is in service on Sunday morning: the pastor, the organist, the various choirs and their leaders, the Lay Reader (Lector), the acolytes, the Altar Guild, the Ushers, the Greeters, the Audio/Visual personnel, the Communion Assistants, the Children’s Message person (and for our children!), the Bible Class teachers, the Sunday School teachers, any and all the musicians, the Counters – AND PRAY THAT GOD WOULD SHOW YOU HOW HE WISHES YOU TO SERVE, ALSO!!
  4. Learn to FOCUS. There can be many distractions during worship and Bible classes.  Listen for the Theme of the Day in both the worship service and any Bible Class, and the main points of each teaching.
  5. Remember that all sermons and all Sunday School or Bible classes are not “WINNERS” for each listener/participate each week. One message cannot deal with the specific needs of each hearer.  Some Bible classes and some sermons and some Bible readings will be more meaningful for you – but each one has MEANING.
  6. Finally, give FEEDBACK! Encouraging words to others are most helpful.  Remember the ministry of the New Testament character, Barnabas, who was known as the “ENCOURAGER!”

Good, uplifting worship – CELEBRATIVE WORSHIP! – and Sunday School and Bible Classes attract and hold people who are searching for spiritual help.  You are wonderful folks to serve each Sunday, and I would like you to know how much I appreciate each and every one of you and your unique gifts and ministries!


The grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all …

Your Fellow Servant in Christ our Lord,

Pastor Hank Hollar