The Season of Advent, 2013


Dear Resurrection Family, grace and peace to you all!


In an unstable world …

with an economy that is having trouble rebounding …

 a unemployment rate that remains stubbornly high…

with far to many homes still in foreclosure . . .

a government debt of over 17 trillion dollars – and rising…

a disastrous roll-out of a healthcare plan …

and the spiraling cost of healthcare for too many people… 

billions spent on war after war after war …

a world-wide rising tide of genocide, starvation, lack of housing and food…

 … our only stability is Christ our Lord!


Prince of Peace in pandemonium . . . . . . . . Wonderful Counselor in crises


Everlasting Father in charge . . . . . . . . Mighty God in Panic


Mighty Fortress in fear . . . . . . . . Undying Hope in despair


Strong Anchor in storms . . . . . . . . Eternal Life in death


Invulnerable Joy in sadness . . . . . . . . Holy Light in darkness


Solid Rock in quicksand . . . . . . . . Indefinable Calm in chaos


In the hectic rush toward Christmas, it is important for us to remember that Advent prepares us for something: the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! – and for us to make room for Him in our lives!  Christmas is a time to celebrate more than just gifts and parties and presents and decorating and a big dinner – it is time to prepare for the birth of God’s very own Son into human flesh – sent for you and for all!  This Advent and Christmas, take time to be with your parish family as we prepare for, and celebrate, the birth of our Lord!  May we boldly share our faith in Jesus with those whom we know and love!


May the Lord bless your Advent Season as we celebrate GOOD NEWS!